The Compass

The Compass

Manchester Proud Succession Planning

Dear Friends of Manchester Proud:

Nearly six years into our work, now is the time to take stock of Manchester Proud’s accomplishments and, as our name suggests, share some pride in the positive impacts of our partnership with the Manchester School District. The District’s community-driven, Manchester Proud facilitated, strategic plan is now embedded in the daily programs and operations of our schools, providing the sense of purpose and focused direction needed for sustainable progress.  And since the plan’s adoption, Manchester Proud and the District have strengthened our partnership, working together to create opportunities for our students, optimize community-school resources, and build community engagement. 

All the while, as we have been working with our partners, we have also been building our own internal capacity for ever greater success.  Our Council has thoughtfully refined our organizational model to bring more voices to the shaping of our strategies and initiatives. We have brought on key staff, where needed to boost our essential work in school-community partnerships and community communications.  And, we are currently on-boarding ten new Champion’s Council members to enhance our leadership’s skills, insights, and community representation.

Manchester Proud’s demonstrated commitment to the success of our students and schools, coupled with the growing strength of our team, make this the ideal time to plan for our future.  Toward that end, our Council is preparing our own strategic planning sessions for this fall. They will assess the efficacy of our current work and explore most promising opportunities for future partnerships with the community and District.

At a more personal level, I have made the Council aware that, while this work will forever remain important to me, a succession plan is needed to ensure Manchester Proud’s continued day-to-day leadership and management.  Following thoughtful deliberation, the Council has voted to conduct a search for a part-time Coordinator.  Once onboard, our new Coordinator will assume many of my responsibilities, while others will be assigned to our fabulous staff or Council leadership.  All of this will take place over months to ensure a smooth transition, following which I will remain on the Council and engaged in our Work Groups. 

It is notable that Manchester Proud remains committed to preserving our traditions of volunteerism and resource optimization.  Following the hiring of our part-time Coordinator, the Manchester Proud team will consist of merely two full-time equivalent employees, supporting the good work of several hundred dedicated volunteers!

Thank you for making all of this possible. Together we continue ONWARD toward our goal of exceptional public schools for all of the people of Manchester!

Very Truly Yours,

Barry Brensinger, Manchester Proud Coordinator