The Compass

The Compass

December 2023 Update – Continuity

Written by Written by Barry Brensinger, Manchester Proud Director

Manchester Proud continues to grow as an increasingly effective and valued partner of our schools, community organizations, and businesses. Of course, we have taken some missteps along the way, but thankfully they have been few, manageable, and instructive – we have learned a lot!

We have also gotten some things right from the start. Our founders had the good sense to realize that our strength would not come from one or a few individuals but from broad community engagement and mutually rewarding partnerships. They established several fundamental ground rules to ensure Manchester Proud’s sustained relevance and continuity:

  • Set politics aside and welcome all who commit to the success of our students and public schools
  • Respect the authority of our school leaders and elected officials and build authentic partnerships to expedite their good work
  • Know that our collective vision of great public schools is bigger than any one person or group, including our founders, Council, school leaders, and elected officials.

Indeed, the success of our students and public schools is so profoundly important that its achievement must transcend dependence upon any one individual or group. During Manchester Proud’s six-year history, we have been deeply grateful for the productive relationships we have enjoyed with our Mayor, three Superintendents of School, and three Boards of School Committee. In each case, through inevitable transitions, our work has continued forward, driven by our higher purpose of making exceptional public schools for ALL of Manchester.

Soon we will again transition to governance by a new Mayor and Boards of Aldermen and School Committee. We congratulate all who have been elected and thank those who have served. Undoubtedly, new voices will now be heard in our community’s dialog, bringing added ideas and perspectives. Manchester Proud welcomes all in the spirit of friendship and collaboration, as we attain common ground in the pursuit of what really matters – the wellbeing and futures of our children and community.

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Proud Moment – Southern New Hampshire University Supports Manchester Schools During ACCESS Testing

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The power of building and tending to community partnerships is a multiplier, expanding our collective knowledge, expertise, experience, capacity, resources, opportunity, and commitment to our common goal of excellence and equity for all learners. The old saying that, “Two heads are better than one”, certainly applies to our work, and we are so very fortunate to have many, many heads contributing to the success of our District.