The Compass

The Compass

Student Ambassador for Sports Safety Program

The mission of the Student Ambassador program is to empower and encourage students to leverage the characteristics and skills gained through sports to help them succeed in life and become leaders in their communities.

The Project Happy Mobile App

New Hampshire’s Student Volunteering Hub. Download the app in the App Store.

BIG Program (Broad Interventions of Growth)

In-school services and supports focused on goal setting and personal growth.

FIRST Class Packs

FIRST Class Pack resources prepare educators and facilitators to guide their students as they begin or continue a journey of STEM exploration using real-world scenarios and challenges.

Support for Students Experiencing Homelessness

The City of Manchester Health Department (MHD) has partnered with the Manchester School District to provide an experienced Community Health Worker to assist students/families experiencing homelessness with basic needs. The CHW can connect students/families to medical, dental, and vision providers; help them secure health insurance; assist them in completing applications or determining eligibility for Medicaid, WIC/Food Stamps, fuel/rental assistance, and other financial assistance; and connect
them to resources for food, clothing, housing, and other basic needs and social supports.

MY TURN Project Complete

MY TURN Project Complete is open to anyone attending Central, West, or Memorial who is in need of an alternative way to earn their secondary credential. HiSET instructors provide a combination of in-person classes and one-on-one tutoring to prepare students to successfully complete the HiSET battery.

In addition, students in our Project Complete programs receive a variety of services to meet their individual needs including career guidance, post-secondary planning, paid work-based learning opportunities, job placement assistance, and more.  


NH JAG is a statewide program for youth who seek to make the most of their high school education and pursue career and postsecondary educational interests. As part of a strong, national JAG Network, NH JAG teaches young adults academic and workplace competencies. Through comprehensive and proven practices, New Hampshire youth experience the value of a high school education while also developing teamwork, leadership, community service, and workplace skills to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities that await them in the world beyond school. By participating in the NH JAG program, young people across the state can explore career opportunities, discover personal strengths, gain confidence and take pride in their personal achievements. Programs include summer youth employment.


Academic support and tutoring, career exploration, dance and performing arts, soccer-fitness offered on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at Hillside Middle School.

Amoskeag Health School-Based Counseling Services

Onsite school-based behavioral health services

Best Buddies School Friendship Chapters

We promote inclusion by matching individuals with and without disabilities in one-to-one friendships based on age, gender, and shared interests.


As a global robotics community that prepares young people for the future, FIRST ® is committed to continuing our efforts to give students the skills and confidence they need to change the world – today and tomorrow. FIRST @Home is your source to learn about opportunities for STEM skill development, FIRST supported activities, and unique events in the FIRST community

See what FIRST @Home is all about

Manchester Health Department Dental Care Program

The City of Manchester Health Department works with the Manchester School District to bring dental care to children in need at Manchester’s elementary, middle, and high schools. Dental care is provided on a dental van at each school during school hours by a certified Public Health Dental Hygienist and, when needed, a licensed dentist. Students can also be referred to local dental offices for ongoing dental care. The program serves an average of 600 students each school year at all 21 Manchester public schools.

Remote Tutoring Collaborative

The Meelia Center partners with the Manchester School District to provide free remote tutoring to underrepresented K-12 students in 10 schools across the district. Students who identify with groups often underrepresented in high school & college graduation are referred for tutoring by their teachers, parents or community. Current schools served include Bakersville, Northwest, Webster, Southside, McLaughlin, Parkside, West, Central, Memorial and MST. Flexible afterschool hours for tutor support.

Access Academy

Access Academy is an on-campus & remote afterschool educational program for high school students who identify with groups often underrepresented in high school & college graduation. It offers multiple Mondays and Tuesdays courses taught by college students, that provide students with skills for school success, college mentors, career exploration & high school credits. Courses include Computer Technology, Arts, and Personal Finance. In Access, students gain friendships that fuel aspirations.

Queen City Music & Leadership Program

This program gives students grades 6-9 the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument, participate in small group lessons, have guided practice time, play in ensembles, and participate in leadership building opportunities. This program is grant subsidized, and focuses on creating access for students who might need financial assistance.


GEAR UP New Hampshire is one of two grant initiatives within the New Hampshire GEAR UP Alliance. This Federal grant program is designed to help students prepare for and succeed after high school. Participating students will receive services ranging from academic support, career exploration, and college planning. GEAR UP New Hampshire will serve approximately 4,000 students across 15 middle schools, using a cohort model following current 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students through their first year of college. In addition to training and resources, GEAR UP New Hampshire offers scholarships for eligible students who remain in state for college!