The Compass

The Compass

TRIO UNH Upward Bound

UNH Upward Bound program helps low-income, potential first generation high school students achieve their dreams of going on to and being successful in higher education. All UB program activities and services are free to students enrolled in the program. Services include: academic and career advising, Saturday Academies and tutoring supports, college tours, cultural enrichment activities & field trips, college prep & financial aid workshops, and a six-week residential summer academy.

Resource Categories

Health and Mental Wellness

Health and Wellness

Being healthy is so important to enable learning and building a positive and engaging community.

Basic Needs Volunteers

Basic Needs

Basic needs are defined as something that we must have in order to live. Recognizing that our students cannot thrive when they may be worried about basic necessities, this section provides resources across the community where essential services and supports can be found.

Early Childhood

Early childhood education not only prepares our youngest students to be in school, but also supports the development of a child’s social and emotional skills.