Dear _____,
The Nature Conservancy is seeking community input from Manchester residents to design the next iteration of the Merrimack River Watershed Conservation Plan. Created by the Merrimack Conservation Partnership in 2014, The Merrimack River Watershed Conservation Plan is a document that contains detailed maps and environmental data used by over 30 local organizations to determine funding and support for projects that benefit communities and nature along the Merrimack River. To gather additional community insight, The Nature Conservancy is hosting a community conversation on December 3, 2024, in Manchester’s West Side. As representatives of your community, we welcome your insights in this process. We will be providing stipends to participating residents for their time and ask that you kindly share this invitation below with your constituents. We will be providing dinner, childcare, and language interpretation by request, so we strongly encourage residents to register in advance. Register here
If you have any questions, you can contact Ally Snell, Community Partnerships Manager for the Nature Conservancy at: