The Compass

The Compass

Proud Moment – Northeast Passage at 21st Century Program

Written by Lauren Boisvert, Community Communications Director

On July 19, 2024, Manchester Proud visited the bustling 21st Century Summer Program at Memorial High School. This vibrant program, designed to enhance the learning experience of middle school students, has registered 140 participants, with around 70 attending daily. The visit provided a glimpse into the diverse and dynamic activities that keep these young minds engaged and growing.

During the tour, students were busy across various classrooms, each separated by grade. The creativity and innovation of the students were on full display. One group was engrossed in designing water parks, constructing their imaginative designs using Model Magic. Another set of students participated in Shark Tank-style presentations, showcasing their entrepreneurial spirit. One notable presentation was for “Mr. Cleaner,” a biodegradable cleaning robot with the catchy slogan, “Clean for the world, clean for your home.”

In another classroom, students engaged in discussions about personal values, an exercise that required them to choose five values important to them and eliminate one each round. This activity emphasized the importance of time management and focusing on what truly matters in their lives.

A unique and interactive approach was taken with a group of English Learners (EL) students who played a game involving popular songs. They had to listen carefully and fill in the blanks, practicing their writing and listening skills in English. This engaging method not only made learning fun but also significantly enhanced their language proficiency.

The highlight of the day was a presentation by Northeast Passage UNH, which captivated the entire program. The presentation covered adaptive sports and recreation, the differences between the Olympics and Paralympics, various techniques for adaptive programming, and more. The students were not just passive listeners; they were actively involved in a game of adaptive soccer afterward. This hands-on experience allowed them to understand the challenges and joys of adaptive sports. One student remarked, “This is harder than regular soccer but fun!”

The visit by Manchester Proud to 21st Century summer program hosted at Memorial High School highlighted the innovative and inclusive educational approaches being employed. From fostering creativity and entrepreneurship to emphasizing personal values and adaptive sports, the program is a testament to the comprehensive development of Manchester’s youth. The enthusiasm and engagement of the students are clear indicators of the program’s success in nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared for the future.

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